Audit skills in healthcare

Audit skills in healthcare

A quality management system should be structurally and periodically reviewed for effectiveness and efficiency. Internal audits are an excellent tool for this and an essential part of a quality management system. In addition, achieving accreditation often requires a functioning internal audit system. After this internal auditor training, you will be able to conduct an effective audit in a structured manner and write a professionally substantiated factual report.


The goal of the "Audit Skills in Healthcare" training is to obtain the necessary skills to prepare, execute and report audits in a structured manner.


The key words for the intended outcome of your next audits are: objectivity, professionalism, methodology and high quality

Target audience

The audit training is for:

  • Quality managers and quality staff who will set up, implement and maintain an internal audit system.
  • Professionals and executives who want to expand their knowledge of the quality management system and its assessment and possibly conduct internal audits themselves.
  • Other staff that will conduct internal audits.


The following topics will be covered during the training:

  • Structure of a quality management system
  • Preparing the audit
  • Conducting an efficient and effective review and analysis of the quality documentation
  • Making a plan for the site visit
  • Different methods for executing an audit
  • Interview techniques
  • Observation techniques
  • Communication and audit skills
  • Factual reporting

Training and Education

Audit skills in healthcare

Kerteza Academy can organise training and education in the way that suits you best.

Audit skills in healthcare

We offer instruction and training courses within your own organisation. These are fully customized to your needs.

Practical information: We offer training sessions and courses organised in your own organisation. These are fully tailored to the needs of your organisation. In consultation with you, we will determine which topics are best to focus on during the course. The number of participants, dates and location of the training course are also agreed in consultation. For more information or to request a quote, please fill in our contact form, call or e-mail us.

Certificate: Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of participation based on attendance and active participation.

Syllabus: At the beginning of the course, participants will receive a syllabus containing the programme, background information as reference, the slides to be shown, and exercises.

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Duineneind 16 bus 1, 2460 Kasterlee, België

Tel.: +32 14 25 90 00

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