Advanced masterclass Internal Auditor in Healthcare

Advanced masterclass Internal Auditor in Healthcare

A quality management system aims to make your organisation perform better. Internal audits are an excellent tool to structurally and periodically ensure its efficiency and effectiveness through reviewing and improving.
You have already gained experience in conducting internal audits and want to develop as an internal auditor so that you can make a greater contribution to improving quality and safety.


The aim of the "Expertise development training Internal Auditor in Healthcare" module is:

  • Prepare, conduct and report on an audit efficiently, effectively and with the necessary depth, avoiding pitfalls.
  • Recognise difficult situations in the audit process and deal with them accordingly.
  • The preparation of a detailed and complete audit report that links findings to appropriate requirements and can be used as input for corrective and preventive action.
  • Gathering objective and effective information by defining, in advance, the 'scope' of the audit and its relation to the standard.
  • Compiling a sample to determine the aspects to be audited.
  • Efficient and effective interviewing in an audit context.
  • Efficiënt en effectief interviewen in een auditcontext.

Target audience

The training programme is for:

  • Quality managers and quality staff who can set up, implement and maintain an internal audit system.
  • Professionals and executives who want to expand their knowledge of the standard, the quality management system and its assessment.
  • Internal auditors looking to strengthen their position by conducting more in-depth audits.
  • Trained internal auditors at any level who want to learn what is essential for conducting a proper audit.


The following topics will be covered during the training:
  • Efficiently preparing an audit
  • Pitfalls in the audit process and how to avoid them
  • Interview techniques
  • Conducting more in-depth audits
  • Professional auditing: audit skills, tips & tricks
  • Unexpected situations during an audit and how to react to them
  • Professional reporting
  • Efficiently preparing an audit

Training and Education

Advanced masterclass Internal Auditor in Healthcare

Kerteza Academy can organise training and education in the way that suits you best.

Advanced masterclass Internal Auditor in Healthcare

We offer instruction and training courses within your own organisation. These are fully customized to your needs.

Practical information: We offer training sessions and courses organised in your own organisation. These are fully tailored to the needs of your organisation. In consultation with you, we will determine which topics are best to focus on during the course. The number of participants, dates and location of the training course are also agreed in consultation. For more information or to request a quote, please fill in our contact form, call or e-mail us.

Certificate: Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of participation based on attendance and active participation.

Syllabus: At the beginning of the course, participants will receive a syllabus containing the programme, background information as reference, the slides to be shown, and exercises.

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Duineneind 16 bus 1, 2460 Kasterlee, België

Tel.: +32 14 25 90 00

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